Let's Talk Transformation
If You Fight For Your Limitations, You Get To Keep ThemJason Archer
Trainer / Mentor / Creator
I started looking for ways to improve my fitness back in 2009. I had come out of a nasty relationship and let myself go. This is not what I wanted for myself. Growing up in the south, I was always active… playing football, soccer, lacrosse, and riding dirtbikes and four wheelers depending on the changing Georgia seasons. So, realizing that I had become a “disgusting fatbody” (see movie: Full Metal Jacket) I knew I had to do something.
In looking around at options, you had the standard globo gyms which never produce results, personal trainers which sometimes produce results, and then like a light in the tunnel my future wife would introduce me to CrossFit while on a visit to Calgary.
I was seeing results in the CrossFit Athletes like I had never seen before… They were strong, mobile, agile, and powerful. And, they had the physique I wanted for myself. After diving into the CrossFit culture and joining a box here in Phoenix, I was a lifer. I fell for the community, the accountability, and the difficulty. In a world full of pussified children and adults who can barely move and often complain while changing nothing about their lives, CrossFit culture was a breath of fresh sweaty air. No mirrors, no made up bimbos on treadmills… Just hard working men and women seeking to better themselves.
CrossFit is about betterment. Of yourself and others. It was what I needed to go from a gooey 220lbs to a lean 193lbs in a very short time… two pounds lighter than I was in high school! At the time of this writing, I am 43 and stronger and more fit than ever before in my life and wouldn’t change my path one bit.
After a few years of CrossFit, I decided to go for my Level 1 Trainer certification. I passed it and immediately began consuming every bit of info I could on human movement and diet. Today, I love working with others who seek to find the best version of themselves. If that is you, reach out and talk to me today. Come by the box and meet the community and see for yourself if this is the place you are meant to be.

Certifications / Qualifications
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
Spartan SGX Level 1 Coach
Spartan SGX Level 2 Coach
PSI Basic Grad
PSI Men’s Leadership Grad
Founder Of HardWodder
Host Of The HardWodder Radio Podcast
Host Of The Do The Hard Thing Podcast
We are proud to support the #HardWodder Ethos here at CrossFit North Phoenix
We value community, consistency, and contribution above all else. Let us know what your goals are and we will do our best to help you attain them. Come in with the understanding that your best days in the box happen first in your head. Once you conquer your own fear and doubt, the rest is easy.
If you’d like to know more or ask a specific question, don’t be shy… just click here and send us a message!
2501 West Behrend Drive, Suite 29
Phoenix, AZ 85027
Call us at 480.442.0433