Slick Rick

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. EMOM 1250m sled push5-10 barbell or db push press 20 kbs (r) 53/35rest 2-3 minutesEMOM 1225 DU’s or DU attempts45 second plank10 K2E Source: Workout Of The Day

Team 1776

For Time (in a Team of Three)Kettlebell Swings (53/35 lb)Box Jumps (24/20 in)Air SquatsPush-UpsBurpeesPull-upsSit-UpsRow (calories)Double-UndersWall Balls (20/14 lb)Ball Slams (30/20 lb)Dumbbell Push Press (45/35 lb)As a team, complete a total of 1776 reps involving...