12.1.17 Rock the boat

A. Group warm upB. WOD demo C. StrengthBack squat5x3Tempo – 5:5:X:1*can go up in weight as long as you do not compromise your formD. 20 minute AMRAP500m row200m run3 rounds of:5 push ups10 air squats20 kb chops *split classes into heats if needed with each...

11.28.17 Air bag

A. Group warm upB. WOD demo C. StrengthPush press6x3*can go up in weight as long as you do not compromise your formD. For time:21-18-15-12-9-6-3Push press 95/65Tire jumps Sit ups*15min time cap – any missed reps is a 1 second penalty E. Cool down Source: Workout...