by CrossFit North Phoenix | Aug 4, 2021 | Daily WOD |
Front Squat + Jerk Complex (Working from a Rack)Complete 5 sets •3 Tempo Front Squat (5 seconds down with quick return) •3 Jerks working to a challenging effort Source: Workout Of The Day
by CrossFit North Phoenix | Aug 3, 2021 | Daily WOD |
5 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP W/ resting 1 minute between. •15 American Kettlebell Swings #35/53 (M50+ 26/44)•200m Run•Max Wall Walks with the remaining time**Score is the total number of wall walks competed through 5 rounds** Source: Workout Of The Day
by CrossFit North Phoenix | Aug 2, 2021 | Daily WOD |
>Spend 6 minutes drilling the following progressions• 5-10 reps of Feet on the ground Ring Muscle up transition (Move feet forward to increase difficulty)• 3-7 Jumping Ring Muscle up (Working on transition)• 5-10 Kipping Ring Muscle ups • 3-7 Strict Ring muscle ups...
by CrossFit North Phoenix | Aug 2, 2021 | Daily WOD |
Complete 2 rounds for time •20/30 Calorie Bike •10 Push-up Renegade Rows #35/50 (1 Push-up to 2 rows = 1 rep) •50 Double Unders Source: Workout Of The Day
by CrossFit North Phoenix | Aug 1, 2021 | Daily WOD |
Spend 6 minutes drilling the Snatch Pull Complex• 5-sec Tempo Snatch Pull + Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch into OHSThen, complete 3 sets of 3 squat snatches working between 65-75% 1RM Source: Workout Of The Day
by CrossFit North Phoenix | Aug 1, 2021 | Daily WOD |
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7-minutes •12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls #65/95 (M50+ 55/65)•12 Wall Balls #14-9’/20-10′ Source: Workout Of The Day