A. Group warm up

B. WOD demo

C. EMOM 16
1. 12/10 cal row | RX+ 15/12
2. 40m sled push | guys add: 4-45, 2-25 , gals add: 2-45, 2-25 | RX+ 50M
3. 30 second KB static hold | one KB in front rack position, one KB over head | every round switch hands 53/35 | RX+ same hold in a wall sit position
4. 20 russian twists 20/14

D. Tabata
side planks | switch side every round

E. Cool down
Source: Workout Of The Day

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For More Information Contact:
Jason Archer
P | 480.442.0433
E | info@crossfitnorthphoenix.net
W | crossfitnorthphoenix.net

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