8.24.18 Beef jerky

A. Group warm upB. WOD demo/barbell warm upC. 10 1-minute rounds of:25 squatsMax reps of clean and jerks 95/65Rest 1 minute between rounds.Each round in this workout is a sprint. Reduce the number of squats to allow 20-30 seconds to perform clean and jerks. The load...

8.23.18 Shipwreck

A. Group warm upB. WOD demo/barbell warm upC. 8 – 2 minute rounds | rest 2 minutes between rounds10 FRL 115/807 push upsthen…AMRAP of pull ups*score is total pull ups*D. Cool down Source: Workout Of The Day

8.22.18 Big Al

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. EMOM 161. 12/10 cal row | RX+ 15/12 2. 40m sled push | guys add: 4-45, 2-25 , gals add: 2-45, 2-25 | RX+ 50M3. 30 second KB static hold | one KB in front rack position, one KB over head | every round switch hands 53/35 | RX+ same hold in...