8.21.18 Pain Train

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. 5 – 3 minute AMRAPS$$ in 12 DB/KB snatches 44/26then…AMRAP ofBurpee box jumps 24/20Rest 2 minutes between rounds**Score is total burpee box jumps**Athletes should focus on being consist with the total # of burpee box jumps and...

8.20.18 Take it slow

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. Tempo Front Squat for load:Tempo = 3:3:3:1 #1: 3 reps #2: 3 reps #3: 3 reps #4: 3 reps #5: 3 reps #6: 3 reps*athletes should focus on proper technique and hitting tempo over weight liftedrest 90 seconds between sets Source: Workout Of The...