Shoulder therapy

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. EMOM 1225m lateral bear crawl | from one side of the rig to the other12 kneeling KB bottoms up presses | 6 per side10 plank hold + DB push pull | 5 per arm Source: Workout Of The Day

Quad damm

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. For time | 17 minute cap$$ in 750m rowthen..2 rounds10 sandbag over shoulder 100/5020 front squats 95/65 – RX+ OHS10 pull upsthen..100m sled push | guys add 2-45+2-25 | gals add 2-45 | scale total distance if needed$$ out 750m rowD....


A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. AMRAP 912 Single arm KB/DB push press 50/35 | 6 per side12 box jumps 24/20 RX+ single leg box jumps 20″ 12 sit ups Source: Workout Of The Day