
A. Group warm upB. WOD demo | barbell warm upC. 4 – 5 minute AMRAPS | rest 3 minutes between rounds1. 30 db hang cleans – 50/35 | one db per handAMRAP of strict knee raises 2. 50 cal rowMAX distance farmers carry | use 25 or 50m track *score is total push...


A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. For time:$$ in 100m sled push | guys add 2-45 + 2-25 | gals add 2-45then..3 rounds30 Du’s20 db/kb snatches | rx+ barbell hang snatches then..200m plate farmers carry 35/25 | one per hand$$ out 100m sled push Source: Workout Of The...


A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. Back Rack Step back lunges for load | 15 minutes | scale to goblet or body weight lunges for newer members #1: 16 reps #2: 16 reps #3: 16 reps Source: Workout Of The Day