METCON 7.17.21 **PART B**

3 Part WOD•10/15 Calorie Bike•20 Wall Balls #14-9’/20-10’•20 Toes-to-bar•20 Box Jumps 20”/24”•20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull #65/95 (M50+ #53/75)•20 Front Squat•20 Burpees**Complete 3 different workouts with 3 scores**Score A= 3-minute as many reps as possible...

MRTCON 7.15.21

Complete 3 rounds for time (24-minute Cap)•100 Double Unders / Penguin Taps•2 Wall Walks •100m Bear Hug Carry #50/70•2 Wall Walks •8 Chest To Bar Pull Ups (M50+ 5)•2 Wall Walks Source: Workout Of The Day


Complete 1 round starting every minute on the minute for 10-minutes •3-5 Strict Chin Ups •3-5 Ring Dips **Intent is quality so rest a round if needed***Modify with 2-3 reps of each with a 3-second tempo for each movement** Source: Workout Of The Day