METCON 2.15.21

For time | 13 minute time cap21 Single arm DB OH Squats – switch arms as needed | pick weight you can move consistently – scale to db on shoulder, goblet or air squats21 DB box step ups – one db only 15 Single arm DB OH Squats15 DB box step ups9...


EMOM 13 | work up in weight as you go | complete entire complex each minute | score heaviest load without dropping the barbell •1 Power Clean •1 Hang Power Clean •1 Front Squat •1 Shoulder to Overhead Source: Workout Of The Day


A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. For reps:4 – 3 minute AMRAPS | Rest 3 minutes between rounds | score = total burpee + jump squat reps after (4) rounds. 15 Deadlifts – 115/155 | pick weight you can move consistently and focus on movement quality.15 Strict...


A. Group warm upB. WOD demo C. EMOM 1010/12 Cal row10 laying db floor press | per arm rest 2-3 mintesEMOM 1020 OH plate lunge steps 25/45100m sandbag carry Source: Workout Of The Day