At 2:02 am on 6.11.16 a call came in stating a man with a gun had taken over Pulse nightclub in Orlando. When the dust settled 49 innocent people were killed by a man with ties to Islamic extremist groups.

Partner WOD For Time:

Rounds Of:
11 Deads (225/155)
16 Pull Ups
49 Wall Balls

Then Cash Out:
202 Sit Ups

RX+ Is Unbroken On Each Movement.

NOTE: Break Up The Work Anyway You Want.

Join the Fitness Community at CrossFit North Phoenix!
It doesn't matter your skill level or athletic history, we can bring you in, meet you where you are and help you attain the goals you've set for yourself. CrossFit North Phoenix is located inside HardWodder One in the Deer Valley community of North Phoenix
For More Information Contact:
Jason Archer
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