A. Group Warm

Decided based on WOD and athlete needs.


Sumo Deadlilft

4×8 @70% or AHAP under control

NOTE: Leave bar loaded with same weight for use during the wod.

*Rest 2:00 Between Sets

C. Metcon

3 Rounds For Time:

25m Suicide Run (5m increments)
15 Deadlifts @70% or AHAP
5 Pull Ups/Ring Rows

NOTE: Athletes may not break set on the deads or the pullups. If set is broken, or athlete fails to go touch and go, athlete starts the round over with the 25m suicide run.

Join the Fitness Community at CrossFit North Phoenix!
It doesn't matter your skill level or athletic history, we can bring you in, meet you where you are and help you attain the goals you've set for yourself. CrossFit North Phoenix is located inside HardWodder One in the Deer Valley community of North Phoenix
For More Information Contact:
Jason Archer
P | 480.442.0433
E | info@crossfitnorthphoenix.net
W | crossfitnorthphoenix.net

Hey There! Quick Question For You...

Who Should Be Doing This Workout With You?