12.22.17 Stanky leg

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. TabataRing support holdsplanks from handsD. 12 min AMRAP20 Front rack lunges (with weight you are using for snatches)15 K2E10 hang power snatches 75/55*DO NOT DROP BAR FROM OVERHEAD WITH 15# PLATES 🙂 **scale options: Front rack lunges:...

12.19.17 Off & On

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. 8 rounds of 45 seconds on 45 seconds off1. KBS (r) 53/35Rest 45 sec2. row for calsRest 45 sec3. sit upsRest 45 sec4. Pistol squats or air squatsScore is round with least amount of repsD. Not For time:3 – 200m run*1min rest in...