8.3.18 Mountain Lion

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. 16 minute EMOM1. 8/6 cal row RX+ 12/102. 3 sandbag over shoulder 100/50 RX+ 53. 50m sled push 180/90 | guys add 4-45’s gals 2-45’s4. 30 second static ring holdD. 5minute AMRAP15 KBS (r) 53/3530 mountain climbers Source:...

7.31.18 Eat the weak

A. Group warm upB. WOD demo/barbell warm upC. Skill – 20 minutes to finish all of Part CC1. power clean positioning 5 rounds – Coach led: pause at each position for 3 secondsbelow kneeabove kneehip pocketjump and catch in 1/4 squat**use light to zero...