10.19.18 Pistol Pete

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. 5 – 3 minute AMRAPS | 2 minute rest between rounds16 DB/KB snatches 44/26 | 8 per arm 30 DU’s | 90 singlesthen AMRAP ofwall balls 20/14*score is total wall balls Source: Workout Of The Day

10.18.18 Welcome to the Jungle

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. Strength: 15 minutes3x16 Elevated reverse front rack lunge steps | guys: 45, gals: 25 | switch legs every repD. AMRAP 1210 box jumps 24/20 | if you have knee sleeves wear them around your shins 🙂 | or scale to box step up/down10 KB front...

10.17.18 Overtime

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. Strength: 20 minutes5x3-5 weighted strict pull ups | Scale = your personal progression: Negatives/banded negatives, body weight pull ups, tempo ring rows, tempo bent over barbell/DB rows5x3-5 weighted ring dips | Scale = your personal...