10.25.18 Dead leg

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. 0-7400m run50m sand bag carry 7-10 | rest10-17500m row10 burpees over rower17-20 | rest20-2715 KBDLHP 53/3530 Sit ups*score is total completed rounds only**this WOD is all about pacing yourself. Find a comfortable pace to begin and...

10.24.18 Donkey Kong

A. Group warm upB. WOD demo | barbell warm upC. For time: 22 minute time cap21-15-9Deadlifts 225/155 T2Brest 3 minutes | keep track of your own rest time21-15-9Squat cleans 115/80Push ups*score = total time minus 3 minute rest timeD. Cool down Source: Workout Of The...