Open 19.4

For total time:3 rounds of: 10 snatches 12 bar-facing burpeesThen, rest 3 minutes before continuing with:3 rounds of: 10 bar muscle-ups 12 bar-facing burpeesMen snatch 95 lb.Women snatch 65 lb.Time cap: 12 minutesMovement...

3.14.19 GOAT DAY

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. “Goat Day”On the Minute x 20Odd Minutes: Movement 1Even Minutes: Movement 2**Check coaches notes**Goat” is CrossFit slang for a movement that challenges us. Examples: Double-Unders, Ring Dips, Overhead Squats. These are the best days to...

3.12.19 Eat the weak

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. For time: 22 minute time cap$$ in 200m sled push/pull | guys sled: 2-45’s + 2-25’s | gals sled: 2-45’sthen…10 sand bag over shoulder 100/7530 tire jumps3/5 wall walks10 sand bag over shoulder30 tire jumps$$ out...