Eat the weak

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. 6 – 3 minute AMRAPS | 2 minutes rest between rounds1. 500m rowAMRAP burpees over rower2. 50m box push | from one side of rig to other x2 AMRAP strict HSPU3. 10 sandbag over shoulder 100/50AMRAP KBS (r) 53/35**score is total reps...

Johnny Broflex

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. Strength | 20 minutes5x5 Incline Bench press | stack plates under one leg of bench to create incline5x5 Decline push ups | use box or bench to put feet on5x10 db/barbell bicep curls OR chin ups *you will do one set of each movement then...