2/7/17 WOD – Death by burpees

A. Group warm up B. Death by burpees With a continuously running clock do one burpee the first minute, two burpees the second minute, three burpees the third minute… continuing as long as you are able. C. Push press/jerk 5×5 *increase weight as you go D. Cool...

2/3/17 WOD – Amazon

A. Group warm up B. Strength 20 minutes to work up to a heavy power snatch *score is heaviest lift* C. Metcon Ascending Ladder for 7 Minutes: 3 Power Snatch 115/80, 3 T2B 6 Power Snatch 6 T2B 9 Power Snatch 9 T2B 12 Power Snatch 12 Toes to Bar *score is total reps...