5/2/17 WOD – Bumper boats

A. Group warm up A2. Barbell warm up B. EMOM 12 2 power snatches + 1 overhead squat *if your a beginner you must start from the hang position *start light and build in weight as you go. C. 12 min AMRAP 25 DU’s 10 hang snatches 75/55 15 tire jumps D. Cool...

5/1/17 WOD – Make it Rain

A. Group warm up B. Metcon 21-15-9 KB head cutters 53/35 Deficit push ups 45/25 rest 3 21-15-9 Med ball squat cleans 20/14 Row for Cals rest 3 21-15-9 DB hang cleans 50/35 25m suicide *set up outside* *7min time cap on all rounds *score total reps (45 reps per round)...