11.19.18 Peach pit

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. For time:21 OH squats 115/8050 DU’s200m run15 OH squats50 DU’s200m run9 OH squats50 Du’s200m run*scale OH squat with: front | back | goblet | air squats – per your personal progressionD. Cool down Source: Workout...

11.16.18 Round Robin

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. EMOM 81. 30 second superman hold2. 45 second plank hold | from hands or elbowsD. AMRAP 1515 KBS (a) 53/3510 Pistol squats | scale – build up small stack of plates, tap heal on mat then return to standing. This scale with limit ROM...