1.11.19 Feel the position

A. Group warm upB. WOD demo | barbell warm upC. EMOM 8Technique work:Pause Power cleans | 3 second pause at each location | use light weightBelow knee – focus on feeling tight hamstrings and shoulders tracking over barAbove knee – focus on feeling tight...

1.10.19 Make a wish

A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. 4 rounds | each for time | Score is slowest round500m row20 thursters 75/45rest 3 minutes*pace yourself D. If time allows | 3 NFT:20 Standing KB chop | 10 per side30 second superman hold Source: Workout Of The Day

1.9.19 Legs

A. Group warm upB. WOD demo C. Strength | 20 minutes5x10 | 5 per leg switching every repElevated front rack step back lungesguys stand on 45, gals 25D. EMOM 845 second front rack static hold | power clean barbell from ground, hold in front rack position 135/105...

1.8.19 Jump man

A. Group warm upB. WOD demo C. 5 – 3 minute AMRAPS | rest 2 minutes between rounds15 push ups15 pull upsAMRAPBox jumps 24/20D. If time allows:3 rounds:20 russian twists 35/2645 second plank from elbows Source: Workout Of The Day