
A. Group warm upB. WOD demo | barbell warm upC. EMOM 8 | score heaviest load – 2 Squat cleans + 1 tempo front squat RX+ = 2 Snatches + 1 tempo OHSTempo = 3:3:X:1 | front squat starts when you stand up from the 2nd squat clean**Suggested scale3-5 tempo goblet...


D. For time | 15 minute cap12-9-6Front squats 105/135 | rx+ OH squats24-18-12Burpees$$ out50 back rack lateral lunges 35/45 | take weight off your barbell when you finish**Suggested scaleGoblet/air squats (add box/bench if needed) | lower reps Source: Workout Of The...


A. Group warm upB. WOD demoC. EMOM 103-5 Weighted strict pull ups or Negative pull ups 10 DB floor press 35/50 | per arm | Hold one arm in static locked out position*Suggested scale:3:3:3:1 Tempo ring rows | focus on correct body position Source: Workout Of The...