09/13/16 WOD: Baseline Tuesday

A. Group Warm Decided based on WOD and athlete needs. B. Repeatability 4 Rounds For Reps Burpees 40 Second [ALL OUT] Max repetition 20 seconds rest Repeat Score: Your Lowest Round C. Strength Tabata: Support Holds Rest 1:00 Tabata: Hollow Body Holds Rest 1:00 Tabata:...

09/12/16 WOD: Baseline Monday

A. Group Warm Decided based on WOD and athlete needs. B. Olympic Lifting Snatch Pulls 5, 6, 5, 6 @ 90% 6, 4, 6, 4 @ 95% % Based Off 1RM Power Snatch C. Strength Baseline C1. Front Squat Build to 1RM C2. Floor press Build to 1RM C3. Weighted Chinup Build to 1RM SCORE:...

09/09/16 WOD: The Oh-Line

A. Group Warm Decided based on WOD and athlete needs. B. Metcon 3 Rounds For Reps 1:00 Alternating Shoulder Tap Push Ups 1:00 Burpees To Plate 1:00 Overhead Plate Lunges (45/25) 1:00 Rest NOTE: Score Your Lowest Round C. Max Effort 4:00 Establish 1 RM Sled Push...

09/07/16 WOD: Grab And Go

A. Group Warm Decided based on WOD and athlete needs. B. Strength Romanian Deads 3 x 12 AHAP Keeping Form NOTE: Score heaviest load. C. Max Effort 8:00 Establish 1 RM Clean NOTE: Score heaviest load D. Metcon Sprints 8 x 100m Resting 30 – 60 Sec Between NOTE:...

09/06/16 WOD: Break Time Is Over

A. Group Warm Decided based on WOD and athlete needs. B. Olympic Lifting Power Snatch + Snatch Grip Push Press 4 + 4 x 3 @ 60% % Based On 1RM Snatch Grip Push Press NOTE: Score heaviest load. C. Metcon 3:00 AMRAP Wall Balls (20/14) Rest 1:00 3:00 AMRAP Row For Cals...