09/22/16 WOD: Thursday Recovery

A. Group Warm Decided based on WOD and athlete needs. B. Mobility/Tissue Work Decided by coaches based on athlete needs. C. Active Recovery Accumulate The Following In Any Order 1000m Row (70% Effort) 100 Double Unders (Easy Pace / Work On Relaxing) 50 Alternating...

09/21/16 WOD: Wednesday Workday

A. Group Warm Decided based on WOD and athlete needs. B. Power Output 6 Rounds 6 x 2:00 AMRAP Of: 5 Burpee 10 Air Squat 15 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Push Press (AHAP Unbroken) 2:00 Rest NOTE: Athletes goal is to keep consistent reps from round to round. Scores should be...

09/20/16 WOD: W1D2 All Out Tuesday

A. Group Warm Decided based on WOD and athlete needs. B. Power Output 5 Rounds For Time 12 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) Sprint 100m 3:00 Rest/Walk NOTE: Go As Fast As Possible. No Pacing! You Have Programmed Rest. Use The 50m Course And Sprint Down and Back To Your...